Foxes are all the rage in our household right now! They keep popping up in our yard and we can’t get enough of their cute little faces. But rather than just stare at them from afar, we decided to channel our obsession into a fun new project. Introducing, the fox purse! With just a few easy-to-find materials – paper plates, ribbon, glue, and paint – we created a handy little carrier for all the nature treasures the kiddos have been collecting. Now we can explore the great outdoors without having to stuff everything into MY pockets! Whether it be for collecting rocks or for carrying around snacks on your morning walks, we hope your kiddos will have as much fun carrying this as they do creating it!
- 2 paper plates (I prefer to use thick paper plates like these, but any paper plates will do the trick!)
- ribbon of any kind for strap
- glue (hot glue gun works best)
- scissors
- paint and paintbrush
- pencil
- black sharpie
- 1 large black pom-pom, we used a 1 inch pom-pom (optional)
1. Use a ruler to make a straight line across one of the paper plates about 3 inches down. Do the same with the other paper plate, except this time we are going to make “mountains” at the end to create the foxes ears. They don’t need to be perfect, so don’t stress too much about this step. Check out the photos for reference on the shapes we are going for.
2. Cut along the lines you just drew.
3. Time to sketch your fox’s face! (Be sure to draw on the side of the paper plate that is popping out, the convex side.) You are gonna make two large arches about an inch apart to create the nose and top of the fox’s head. This will be what you paint orange (or whatever color you want your fox to be!) For the eyes, imagine you are just drawing two wide smiles. You can add eyelashes too if your fox is fancy like ours!
4. Paint the top portion and nose of your fox. (Paint the back of the other paper plate as well.) You can also add some pink triangles in the ears and some pink for the cheeks. Make sure you are painting on the side of the plate that pops out!
5. Trace the eyes with black sharpie or paint pen. You can also use a white paint pen or white paint to add fur details.
6. Glue a pom-pom on the end of the fox’s nose with felt glue or hot glue.
7. Glue your ribbon to each side of the back plate, then put glue all along the rim and place the fox face on top, so they are touching rim to rim. Squeeze all around the rim and wait for the glue to dry to make sure they are secured to each other. And that’s it! You’ve got yourself a stylin’ purse inspired by one of the cutest creatures to roam your yard!
Not only is this cutie a breeze to make; it’s also a fantastic opportunity to teach your kids about the animals that call your backyard their home. After all, who wouldn’t want to spy on some furry friends? Tell us all about the cutest critters that have crossed your path in the comments and don’t forget to show off your creations- we can’t wait to see them!